Sunday, 29 July 2012

Examination Experience

Examination Experience
(A regular exam with a difference!)

One fine afternoon when I was having a great roller coaster laughter ride, there came a big  bang from Dr. Mandi’s side i.e. there is a scheduled exam on 25th July 2012. We were a little confused as in what would be the content and what are we supposed to study for the exam. The reasons were simple:

1.      If I visualize it from the point of view of a non-attentive student then I would say that there is nothing taught to us in POM.
2.      If I visualize it from the point of view of a regular student then the entire syllabus won’t take more than an hour to complete.
3.      But if I visualize it from the point of view of a zealous student then the lesson taught by Dr. Mandi in his lecture would encompass around half of stoner!

But, in the middle of this confused nexus Dr. Mandi came in like a saviour and gifted us with a few sample questions which numbered around 25, including true/false and definition based questions. The interesting fact that I realised while going through those questions was that all the topics that were covered in those 25 questions were actually discussed in complete depth by Dr. Mandi. We never realized this fact because all that was taught in class was in the form of activities, but people trust me that we were able to crack all the questions without any issue and that is the beauty of this experiment based learning.

Inside the examination hall:

After the stint of not less than two and a half year, due to this MBA course which was my aspiration from a long time I was forced to sit in an examination hall again, the feeling was a little absurd and it was feeling that I am giving an exam after a long time.

The invigilator reminded me of old days of fear and fun, when we used to fear about the exam so much, in phase two we were just interested in finishing the exam anyhow and finally the fun part because we used to be pretty much sure about the results.

The questions were of the same nature as were those 25 questions and believe it or not, I never had such a weird experience of giving an exam wherein I know everything about the questions that are being asked and frankly I haven’t studied even a single page from the book. How can this thing be possible?
1)     Are the questions that are asked are of general nature?
2)     Is MBA all about common scene?
3)     Is method study the best way of learning the subject?

Doubts in and doubts out. The question paper has finally landed on my table and I was supposed to solve it in that stipulated 1 hour!

Just to make our mood a little relaxed and jolly, Dr. Mandi just could not resist speaking out his favourite jargon i.e. “Socho Becho… Becho Seekho… Seekho Socho…”. A wave of laughter passed in the class, and yeah! There was a parallel exam that was running in the same room that to of “FINANCE ACCOUNTING”. We poor engineers are almost a big zero in that. Those guys were feeling jealous of us. It took us not more than half an hour to solve the problems. When people started to leave the examination hall, the happiness on Dr. Mandi’s face was clearly visible. It was like he was getting the award for his method teaching techniques. The experience for us was also the first of its kind and we were all happy!

Then Dr. Mandi asked us to write a blog on the examination experience and this article of mine is just the outcome of that.

The examination analysis:

In his unique way this was the analysis that was given by Dr. Mandi!

1. Technical skills emerge as critical for higher levels of managerial
positions Ans. FALSE

>> Right answers - 97 %; Wrong answers - 3%

2. Flat Hierarchy organization involve greater coordination with in
organisation compared to taller hierarchy organizations - Ans.. FALSE

>> Right answers - 49 %; wrong answers - 51%

3. Bounded rationality principle encourages the managers to be
gamblers Ans. FALSE

>> Right answers - 69 %; Wrong answers - 31%

4. Craftsmanship encourages involves specialization Ans. FALSE

>> Right answers - 97 %; Wrong answers - 3%

5. Hawthorne experiments concluded that better working conditions
leads to higher productivity Ans.. FALSE

>> Right answers - 73 %; Wrong answers - 27%

6. Organizations structures are conditioned by the organizational
purpose and organizational processes. Ans. TRUE

>> Right answers - 98 %; Wrong answers - 2%

7. As per SMART goals principle realizable goals may be defined as the
goals that are already realized. Ans. FALSE

>> Right answers - 97 %; Wrong answers - 3%

8. Both scientific management and administrative management theories
conflict each other . Ans. FALSE

>> Right answers - 23 %; Wrong answers - 77%

9. The word ..Scientific means in Scientific management..

>> Verifiable, Objective, Involves testing and experimentation,
analysis; synthesis; logic; rationality; empiricism; repeatable,

10. Differentiate Work - Job:

>> Job:  A group of homogeneous tasks related by similarity of functions.
Work - Physical or mental effort or activity directed toward the
production or accomplishment of something.

You may give this exam by hiding the solutions! It would be fun for sure!

So that’s what I can proudly say is the examination experience J.

1 comment:

  1. Response ( either positive / negative ) of students to a teacher is DIVINE. It is this ( student response ..) makes the learning TRUE learning.. I loved to read your blog post..

    U would have posted me about this blog... I love to be posted... because i can see it.. Otherwise, I may miss it... I sign of with a HAPPY EXPERIENCE.. dr mandi
